Components of a Visual Brand - Typography: which the right one for your brand?


Welcome back to another session regarding the components of your brand. So far, we have covered how to come up with a unique logo, colour palette and brand imagery. But how do your potential customers perceive your brand? Very often, it actually happens through written word. Whether they are reading a message on your tv advertisement, viewing your website page, online ads, retail stores, or by engaging with name of your product itself, it’s all part of the experience for them. Branding evokes the experience customers have with your business, so to have a positive brand image is critical towards the appreciation they will have regarding your products or services.

With this in mind, typography becomes a powerful brand tool, one that can add multiple layers of visual meaning to your already established elements mentioned above. Studies have found that unappealing fonts tend to reflect badly on the readers' emotional response to content. Fonts influence your readers’ subconscious perception of your brand. This is why selecting brand typography that conveys your business’ personality and values is one of the key elements of visual branding.


Here are four reasons why your typography should be effective in order to provide a better experience for your brand’s audience.

Sets the Mood

It can be the picture that attracts the attention of users, but it is important to remember that fonts have both direct and indirect impact on people. There is a subtle meaning behind the selection of typeface that plays a big role. A font can create the feeling, improve theme, create interest, associate personality and even deliver trust, all of which are critical to the launch of a successful brand.

Works Silently

Good typography is always unnoticed and it works silently for the brand. Not noticing typography means it makes sense for people. Consumers today experience so much creativity that they have become numb to better typography, which is not necessarily a bad thing. Typographical mistakes, on the other hand, such as small fonts on a website - one of the main web users’ complaints - often lead to bad brand experiences.

Conveys Meaning

Typography tends to change as frequently as clothing fashion trends. The selection of typefaces, thus, should never be leveraged by what’s popular in the design sector at any given moment. Instead, whatever typeface you decide to use should have some meaning behind it and be creative in the way that it conveys it.

Builds Brand’s Recognition

The typographic effects have a definite impact on the perception of the brand. Typography and fonts affect the way your audience sees and remembers your brand, because they are a large part of your visual identity. A memorable typeface is instantly recognizable - think, for example, of widely admired brands like Coca Cola or Disney, that have even created and registered their own typeface as a way of making it a part of their identity.

Keep tuned in, as we will be addressing the other brand components during the coming weeks!

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Happy Musings!!




Free Festive Holiday Fonts Part 2


Free Festive Holiday Fonts