December Moodboard + Monthly Goals


Hello All! How are you all doing?

How in the world is it December already?! I am not going to lie, a little part of me is actually happy that we have finally arrived in December, because this means that festive, colourful and merry mood is allowed - and, to be honest, this is just what the doctor ordered after the year we have all had.

This month’s moodboard is a winter-meets-festive inspired look. Empowered by the richness of golden hues to the texture of comfy and warm knits, passing by the smells of a wonderful chirstmas pine tree and the burning fire in the fireplace. We hope this gives you a joyful kickstart to a creative & festive month!

December Goals:

Investing in my business
I’ve been pouring a lot of of my time into quality pieces for the blog, while learning and implementing Pinterest marketing techniques to be able to have some business projection. There is also a new service that we will be providing in the coming year, which we are very excited to debut. I hope you have enjoyed November’s content and are looking forwards to new exciting content coming your way.

Positive Mindset

This year has been a very different one, to say the least. We have been put to the test, both in our personal & professional lives, but hopefully also made stronger by it. I think - like anything in life - our mindset improves with dedicated and deliberate effort. So, with this in mind, let’s get out of this funk we have been living in, and throw some merry cheer into the mix. Take advantage of the holiday season and decorate your work space and home. Get the dusty cook books out of storage and make something nice for you and your loved ones, embrace the holiday spirit (even if it’s via zoom) but, most importantly, make a conscious effort to create that different frame of mind in your day-to-day life. As we look towards 2021, let’s all make an effort to honestly try and wrap this year up on a high note, while embracing 2021 with a little more hope than we have had this past year.

How are you welcoming December? What are some of your goals? I can’t wait to read all your comments!

If you are feeling inspired and want to share the love, please feel free to pin this image to your board. For even more inspiration, make sure to hop on over to our Pinterest or Instagram profiles.

Happy Musings!!




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